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Bible Studies

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We have a number of Bible study notes available for small group or individual study. These have been provided by our members to be used by all the ICMDA family.

The Kingdom of God in Healthcare course (from EMFI India) is a set of eight studies helping one understand what it means to live as citizens of God’s Kingdom. A full participant’s workbook and facilitator’s guide is included.

The Synapse Bible studies (from CMDF Australia) is a collection of 13 courses on a variety of topics from Christians in healthcare, prayer, exams, being distinctive, apologetics, psalms, suffering and finances. There are over 50 individual studies available, with either a comprehensive study guide or a shorter Bible Bite for when time is limited.

Doctors after God’s own heart (from Perkantas Indonesia) is a book of eleven studies for clerks, interns and doctors. Studies include life calling, patients, integrity, spiritual growth, wealth and missions. Leader’s notes are also included in the download.

Each course has downloadable studies available

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Course Content

Kingdom of God in Healthcare (EMFI)
This course aims to help medical students and graduates understand that as a child of God one belongs to the Kingdom of God and is called to live as a citizen of this kingdom.

  • The Kingdom of God in Healthcare

Synapse Bible Studies (Australian National Bible Curriculum)
The National Curriculum is a set of Bible studies designed to encourage you in your relationship with the Lord, and your service to the Lord, through the many challenges and the many opportunities that your training, and future profession, will present you. Studies have been written to facilitate specific application of Scripture to the health care setting.

Doctors After God’s Own Heart (Perkantas)
Helping clerks and doctors to contemplate their life calling, preparing them to become alumni who have the quality of disciples of Christ, motivating them to become doctors who are ready to serve in the field which God has entrusted to them. It is hoped that by regular meeting in small groups, the continuing struggle of spiritual growth in medical fellowship will be addressed.

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